Sunday, January 15, 2012

4 Walls - work and fun!

As promised, here are some more fotos from the amazing 4 Walls group! They left yesterday to spend a day in Leon and a few days at the beach, and are definitely missed here in El Sauce! The families are incredibly grateful for the humble houses of which they are now owners. It definitely puts things into perspective and makes all this hard work the volunteers have contributed worthwhile. Bonnie received the most beautiful letter of thanks from Alejandra, the mother of the family. It put us all in tears!

Without further ado, here are the images!
 The whole group at one of our cenas. We even had musical entertainment! Traditional Nica music!
 Martha and Gabriela! So precious
 Sally and I! It was a pleasure to meet you and get to know you, amiga!
 Bonnie, Beth, Nancy, and Bill. Such a dynamic group!
 After dinner at the barbecue! We actually ate in the family's living room since it was so packed. Only in Nicaragua...
 The house Bonnie and Sally were working on. Such a beautiful view in the background!
 Sally and Alberto, the albañil working hard!
 Henry, the interpreter/guide for the 4 Walls group. Thumbs up for good work!
 Look how much is done! The house will have 4 walls, 2 windows, and a 2 doors to allow for air to flow.
 Mixing cement!
 Bonnie is a pro! If you look close, you can see the cement coming off the shovel.
 Passing the cement to fill in the middle column
 Alberto is an expert!
Tapping the wooden frame to be sure the cement gets all the way down.
Bonnie and Sally demonstrating how to sift out the rocks from the rest. Don´t worry, Bonnie is okay!

So as you can see, the group has worked very hard and enjoyed their time here in El Sauce!


  1. Thank you for this blog and being able to follow your adventures. Praying for you!

  2. You're doing a great blog. So many people from church and school are reading this. I found how to put a page count on it. Edit your site, go to the Design tab, select "add a gadget" then in the basics choice select "add blog stats" and pick the kind of view you want. FYI - Your last picture is missing on this post. Thanks for all the posts, it's good "Mom" medicine. Love, Mom

  3. Hi Ashely. My classes are really enjoying your blog and learning some great things. My students were wondering what kind of foods are "typical" foods in Nicaragua and what typical meal times are as well. We have a million and one questions, so I will keep them coming. Thank you for such an informative blog.

  4. Thank you all for your comments! Mom - glad I can help make you feel more comfortable with me being here :) FYI the last thing on the post is a video, and it works for me. Maybe it just didnt load.
    Kelly - thanks! Im so glad your students are enjoying the blog. Thanks for the idea - I will have to do a food post and answer those questions. Keep them coming!

  5. Other questions the students had...
    Do you have a cell phone there? Do residents have a cell phone in general?

    We are called Americans here, what do the people of Nicaragua refer to themselves as? We are also New Yorkers or Rochestarians, any special names for the people of El Sauce?

    Thanks again, LOVING the blog!

    1. I do have a cell phone here - it's the most basic you can get because I just use it to make phone calls with a couple people at this point. Todo el mundo tiene cell phone here - the thing is that almost no one has a house phone because it's so expensive, so everyone uses a cell phone to stay in contact. They just do pay as you go as far as I know, and sometimes they will go a few days or week(s) without saldo because they wait until there is a promotion that makes it worthwhile to recargar your saldo. (sorry for the Spanglish, fijate que I can't remember those words in English or it comes out faster in Spanish!).

      Technically anyone from Central and South America is also American, but they go by their country of residence to identify themselves, igual que nosotros decimos Rochesterians. People from Nicaragua are called Nicaragüenses, and they also have special names for people from different towns. From León are called Leoneses, and from El Sauce are Sauceños.

      Thanks for the questions! They´re excellent!!! Keep them coming!

  6. Kelly, I'm glad you are asking great questions too so I can learn more. I'm thinking I need to learn Spanish though.
